Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Here today . . .

It has been fun poking around and finding various coworkers' blogs . . . which may or may not disappear and then be reinstated.

This is the last week of story times, then we get a break until the second week of June. Over the past 8 years I have gotten used to the rhythm of story times and the craziness that is summer. I always actively look forward to and actively dread summer at the same time. This will be the first year I only look forward to summer. If Spring Break was any indication, summer will be busy but pleasant. During the school year we play host to about 15-20 4th and 5th graders who come here after school every day from about 2:10 p.m. to 5 or onward. Dealing with these kids every day is hands-down the most draining, punishing part of my job. Even if summer completely slams us, the reward of not having to deal with these unsupervised troublemakers every day will seem blissful in comparison!

1 comment:

Annmarie Campbell said...

Yes! I whole-heartedly agree. I can't wait for summer. (I feel like a teacher. ^_~)