Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Goodreads is one of the best book-related web 2.0 sites I have found. I started using it in early 2007 to keep track of the books I read. I read so much that I forget what I've read and don't usually hold on to important plot points, like the endings of books! Through the magic of Goodreads I was able to track all the books I read in 2007 alone (70) and pick my favorites and least favorites of the year.

I even had a brush with stardom through Goodreads! Diana Tixier Herald read a blog entry I wrote about Cory Doctorow's new book "Little Brother," browsed my profile and added me as a friend in Goodreads. She commented that we have very similar taste in books! (Diana Tixier Herald is the author of books such as "Genreflecting" and "Teen Genreflecting.") When I got her message and friend request you could have knocked me over with a feather.

Anyway, here is my Goodreads page:

1 comment:

libfan73 said...

Hey Amanda! I love Goodreads, too, though I haven't used it much. It is awesome.