Wednesday, May 28, 2008



I already use the RSS function of my personal blog as a feedreader. I like getting everything in one click rather than having to visit a bunch of different websites to see if anybody's updated since I last checked.

I use RSS feeds mostly for fun, to keep up with webcomics and news sites I'm interested in. I could use it as a professional tool but I know from experience that I have friends who are completely overwhelmed by the number of feeds they subscribe to. I think it's smarter to keep the number of professional feeds you read small and really keep on top with them, rather than feeling like you have to read everything.

If libraries had blogs with RSS capability this could be helpful to patrons. I think this feature would be used much more in academic and special libraries, however. I can see students wanting to get updated when new databases were available, etc.

I added a feed from's a site where an artist turns people's dreams into comic strips. He has done three of mine over the years:

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