Friday, May 9, 2008

Butterfly gardening

I had 57 at my butterfly gardening program this afternoon. I love it when everything comes together. I caught the butterfly gardening bug from a co-worker a few years ago and have had great success with it at home. I made a powerpoint presentation showing photos of butterflies at all stages, from egg to adult. I bought a few plants to show the kids and was happy to find three monarch butterfly eggs on the leaves of the milkweed plant I bought. I took the plant around and made sure every child in the room saw the tiny eggs.

A few weeks ago I saw two co-workers do a presentation on what they learned at PLA. One of them stressed how important it is to do science programming at the library. The children today seemed so excited to learn about caterpillars and butterflies. Several parents said they would definitely be interested in creating butterfly gardens at home after learning about them today.

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