Friday, June 20, 2008

Web 2.0 winners

First, I was sad that Goodreads didn't win for books. I love Goodreads!

I tried Mango Languages. I love learning languages and plan to learn Japanese on my own since taking an actual course and working the schedule I have will probably never happen. I liked that you could see the text and the pronunciation and everything had a little key if you moused over it. A lot of people come to the library to learn languages so this would definitely be a useful tool. It would probably be most useful if we had a "language lab" or something where people could speak the answers aloud. But it would also be good as a useful weblink so people could access it from home.


Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda,

You might want to check out - it's a great community site that brings tutors and students together. You can get to know tutors in the forums and then work with those you are most comfortable. You can also schedule sessions around your schedule.

It's a lot of fun too!


Unknown said...

There are many great language learning resources online currently but I agree with Sandra, is a great site. I have also been interested in looking into and trying Rosetta Stone and livemocha. Learning languages online is so convenient, I've been enjoying my experiences.