Thursday, June 12, 2008

Web 2.0 perspectives

I find it depressing and hilarious that the Library 2.0 wikipedia page has been marked as lacking sources. This actually fits the textbook definition of irony!

To me, Library 2.0 is more about perspective and communication than it is about technology. The technology is an important part of it but it should be a given at this point. You can learn about web 2.0 tools until the cows come home but until you're ready to actually implement them in your real day-to-day practices they don't mean a lot. We are all playing with these tools now but what are we going to do with them after this project is done? Will we still receive support from administration encouraging us to explore and use these ideas and tools or will it once more become "goofing off on the internet"? Will we be allowed to use creative ideas such as blogs, wikis and links to benefit our patrons or will our proposals be shot down because we are not trusted to be self-directed, and our patrons are not trusted to have so much unfettered input into library processes and practices? Only time will tell if this exercise was meant to be theoretical or practical.


Zobe said...

I hope this isn't for show also. I love my blog and I intend to keep it after the 23 things project is finished . Please tell me Librarian if the Wastes will continue. I count on that blog for my dose of weekly humor!!

Hermes-san said...
