Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It makes me sad to see blog use tapering off now that 23 Things has come to a close. Hello? Anybody else out there?

We are gearing up for Anime Fest here at Wellington. Anime Fest is an all-day celebration of all things anime, kind of like a mini-mini con. It's difficult to find time to work on it in between story times and special programs and typical summer reading program craziness, but we've been planning it since January so we're good to go.


Steve said...

I still occasionally check my RSS feed, so I'm at least reading. :)

Zobe said...

I understand exactly how you feel! It's sad that nobody is blogging anymore. I think we should put a stop to that right away ! I'll blog if you blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm blogging again. I restarted today.

Suvi aka CFL said...

I think I posted one new blog too. I will try to keep adding things to it.